
Pointer packages

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Pointer Web-Platform Packages

Pioneering technology, unbeatable prices




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  • 1 user licence*
  • Storage 100GB free*
  • unlimited visualizing pointclouds, 360 degree panoramic photos,High resolution images, Geospatial datasets,various raster and vector files and 3D models
  • unlimited downloading
  • unlimited projects
  • unlimited sharing
  • unlimited Real time project collaboration and group chat function
  • unlimited WFS/WMS directly from the created asset layers
  • unlimited Advanced Asset tagging and drawing tools from pointclouds-LiDAR
  • basic AI online data processing toolbox includes: Filter noise, Point-to-Raster, Merge datasets, Generate Slope Map, Generate Aspect Map, Generate Hillshade, Point-to-Elevation Contour, Point Statistics: Local Minimum, Local Maximum, Filter based on Return Number, Filter based on Number of Returns, Filter based on classification group, Filter dimensions (x,y,z,i,r,g,b) Filter height, Filter height based on %, Create DTM(Digital Terrain Model) as raster format, Create DSM (digital Surface Model) as raster format, Classify ground points, Classify non-ground points, Downsampling, Extract Planar Surfaces, Fill Holes.
  • Email support and real time chat support


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  • 2 + users *
  • storage 100 GB free*
  • includes all basic platform functionality
  • unlimited all baisc AI tools
  • unlimited Fully automated object detection (Advanved AI)
  • unlimited Fully Automated Vectorisation and Analysis (Advanved AI) Curbs detection and vectorisation(Vector 3D polyline), Building Rooftop detection, and vectorisation (Vector 3D polyline), Streetlight detection (Positions as 3D points), Road signs detection (Position as 3D points), Facade detection and vectorisation (footprint as 3D polylines)
  • unlimited Fully Automated Feature Classification (Advanved AI)
  • unlimited Quality Analysis tools
  • unlimited Overlay multiple LiDAR datasets
  • unlimited Fully Automated change detection (LiDAR to LiDAR: Detect all changes, Detect changes as point location, Detect changes as added and/or removed objects, Detect building changes, Detect tree changes)
  • unlimited Fully Automated tree detection and anayltics(Detect exact position of trees, Calculate height of the tree, Calculate diameter of trunk, Calculate diameter of crown, Vectorise crown shape, Calculate volume of crown)
  • workshops, email, phone and real time chat support

* Expandable based on your needs

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